Yin Yoga & Corina Brenner

The last 5 months have been an adventure on there own. August handed me a blank canvas and said, sorry honey...you need to start over. With the fear and uncertainty of what the future would hold. Life surprised me. I was handed a blank canvas not out of spite but out of love. I think it was the universes way of saying, it's finally your turn. But before you can see the light, you must experience the dark deep depths of this world.

I went from being homeless to living in a pent house apartment in Soho. I went from being jobless, to have more clients then I could handle. I went from being trapped in the city to spending the winter holidays in Hawaii.

Oh ye of little faith....why must you always worry....you know that you are always taken care of. 

While at one point, I thought my life was crashing and burning. My life was simply changing, for the better. Without my knowing. 

This new life brought me to a new place, it was a state of Yin. I was beyond humbled by all the people I had to privilege to meet and I wanted to be able to create an environment that would be safe for others to come to in the time of need.

My instructor told me that her Yin yoga instructor, Corina Brenner was coming to NYC and encouraged me to take her training. It was one of the best experiences. It was a change of pace, a new way of thinking. Here I was able to slow my practice down and explore myself in more of a meditative state. Here, I became a Yin yoga instructor and met SOO many incredible souls and their stories was worth just as much as the training itself. 

Brittany Doherty