BOMBAS DONATES - 240 Pairs of Socks!

After such a long and exhausting week, we were delighted to receive such an incredible email regarding an amazing donation by BOMBAS Socks! 

Bombas will be donating 240 pairs (let me write that again), Bombas will be donating 240 pairs of socks to Breaking Cycles Community Partners! YAY! Absolutely AMAZING! Can you believe it! 

Bombas donates a pair of socks to someone in need after every purchase you make. Already this year, Bombas donated tens of thousands of pairs of socks, with lots more to come and Breaking Cycles is thrilled to be a part of such an incredible program! 

Born out of a mission to help those in need. We’re committed to making our community where we live and work a better place with every pair of socks we sell.
— Bombas

Bee Better is the company mantra. The word Bombas is derived from the Latin word for bumblebee. Bees work together to make the hive a better place.  Bee Better is a positive thought of approaching every day and is stitched into the inside of every pair of Bombas for a reason. It's a reminder to challenge yourself to be better each and everyday.  

Bee Better is stitched into every sock as a kind reminder that you have helped someone in need with your purchase. And a reminder that we're all connected and little improvements can add up to make a big difference.  Together we can bee better and make this world a better place. 






June 30, 2016

Brittany Doherty